
Need Support?

Need Support?

If you are experiencing a crisis, please get help immediately.

Reach out to a crisis line...

Go to the closest Hospital Emergency Department...

Call 9-1-1

Youth X Canada is not a youth mental health service provider, nor are we youth mental health professionals.  If you need to talk to someone, or would like more information on youth mental health programs, services and resources, please check out the links below.  These are just a few of the many national organizations that can either provide immediate support or help direct you to support services and resources in your area.

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service.

They offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French.

Visit online, call 1-800-668-6868 or Text CONNECT to 686868 to speak to a counselor.

In addition to immediate personal support, Kids Help Phone also has some excellent resources, quizzes and games.

Mindyourmind exists in the space where mental health, wellness, engagement and technology meet.

Mindyourmind works with community partners and young people aged 14 to 29 to co-create interactive tools and innovative resources to build capacity and resilience.

Mindyourmind has excellent tools & strategies to help you decide what to do if you are in crisis or need more information and support.

Youth Mental Health Canada is a grassroots, youth-driven and led non-profit organization focused on education, advocacy and film making for youth mental health change.

Find your local CMHA office to access support and resources.

eMentalHealth can help you find mental health services and support in your community.

Jack.org is a national network of young leaders transforming the way we think about mental health.

They are also Canada’s only charity that trains and empowers young leaders to revolutionize mental health.


Indigenous Mental Health Resources direct link.

Created by Jack.org, Be There is the most engaging and comprehensive resource available to learn how to support someone struggling with their mental health.

Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours, get started at Be There.

TELUS Wise is free-of-charge, interactive and informative workshops and content to help Canadians of all ages have a positive experience as digital citizens.

Topics include; protecting your online security, privacy & reputation, rising above cyber-bullying, and using technology responsibility.